Jumat, 14 Januari 2022

081362449440 JUAL Portable viscometer - VT-06 , PORTABLE VISCOMETER Rion VT-06: Viscotester for high viscosity fluids , Alat Ukur Kekentalan Cairan, Digital Viscometer type N-8S option : printer for type N-8S Viscometer manual NDJ-1.


HP : 081362449440 / 081310157965 

Email : b081362449440@yahoo.com
Up : Mr Jonathan
TYPE : LVDVE series.

Specification : 
The DVE combines economy and ease of operation with traditional Brookfield excellence to provide reliable viscosity readings. Easy to use interface allows operators to change test parameters easily and test like a pro no time!
The digital display ensures easy and accurate readout of test results for simultaneous measurement of viscosity and torque. Quality of manufacture guarantees reliable performance and long life.

Features & Benefits

  • Low cost and easy to use
  • Direct display in:
    • cP or mPa·s
    • % Torque, Spindle, and Speed
  • Torque measurement accuracy: 1% of full scale range
  • Repeatability: 0.2% of full scale range
  • Compatible with all Brookfield accessories
  • NIST traceable viscosity standards available
  • 18 speeds for greater range capability (0.3 to 100 rpm)





Each of our standard Laboratory Viscometers/ Rheometers are supplied with an internal spring used to calculate the viscosity of a material. These springs have different measuring capabilities:
  • LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the “thinnest” materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents.
  • RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints.
  • HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies.
  • HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.
Additional special springs are also available upon request. To learn more about spring ranges and model selection, please call Brookfield Engineering or one of our authorized dealers.

Learn About Viscosity

Need help? Our Education section may be just the thing to clarify unfamiliar terms and help start you on your way to a better understanding of viscosity. Learn about viscosity and rheological relationships, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, and how a Brookfield instrument can help your production process and much more.

Help Me Choose

Having difficulties determining what instrument is best for you? Try our Help Me Choose section for guidance on the model selection process, spindle construction considerations, and other useful information to help you make an informed decision on the best instrument for your application.

Annual Calibration Service (recommended)

We recommend that this instrument be returned to Brookfield or an authorized dealer on an annual basis for our Calibration & Certification Service. Having this annual maintenance done will ensure the instrument's long life and optimal performance.





 Type : VT06
 Merk : RION - Japan 

Specification :
 The Rion VT-05/ VT-06 Viscotester provides a unique objective and cost-effective means of directly measuring the viscosity of liquids/ fluids. The viscosity of many substances is of crucial importance yet, up to now, measurement of this quantity has often been achieved through indirect, complicated and/ or expensive methods. Application areas include chemicals, paint, petrochemicals, adhesives and foodstuffs.

 The VT-05 ( for lower viscosity fluids) and VT-06 ( for higher viscosity fluids) consist of a hand-held ( or it can be mounted on a stand) meter with an integral digital display with a rotor that is connected to the rear of the device. With the meter held ( approximately) horizontally, the appropriate rotor is submerged in the fluid to be tested. The meter will then give a direct digital readout of the viscosity of the fluid in millipascal/ decipascal seconds ( the SI unit for Viscosity) .

 The VT-05 can measure up to 300 mPas. The VT-06 can measure up to 4000 dPas.
 Examples of typical viscosity ( at 23° c) :

 Milk - 2.6 mPas;
 Olive Oil - 71 mPas;
 Tomato Ketchup - 43 dPas;
 Toothpaste - 320 dPas.
 A summary of features for the VT-05/ VT-06:
 Direct, objective and repeatable measurement of viscosity;
 Extremely simple operation
 Direct digital readout of viscosity in SI units
 Cost effective;
 Supplied with rotors and other accessories ready for immediate use
 VT-05 Measurement Range up to 300 mPas
 VT-06 Measurement Range up to 4000 dPas
 VT-05 Accuracy ± 5% of measurement range
 VT-06 Accuracy ± 10% or reading - reproducibility ± 5%
 Lightweight ( 260g without batteries)
 Runs on 4 AA cells ( including nickel-hydride rechargeables)

 Digital viscometer
 Type : N-8S

 * Specification :
 1. Range( mPa.s) : 1-2000k
 2. Accuracy: 1.0% of range
 3. Repeatability: 0.5%
 4 .RPM: 0.3, 0.6, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 30, 60

 * Features:
 - Stepping Motor means accurate, reliable operation
 - Direct readout of all measurement parameters
 - Auto range showing
 - Time Function for measurement
 - Sound alarm at under 20% Torque
 - Linear calibration
 - Wide range power supply: 100v-240v

 2) Manual Visvo Meter
 Type NJ-1

 Specification :

 *      Measurement range: 1-100000mPa.s
 *      Rotor types: 0# , 1# , 2# , 3# and 4# rotors; ( You can determine
 viscosity as low as 0.1mPa.s with 0# rotor.)
 *      Rotor velocity: 6 12 30 60rpm
 *                Measurement error: ± 5% ( Newton  liquid)
 *      Power supply: 220V± 10%     50z± 10%
 *      Net weight: 5kg
 *      Gross weight: 7kg
 *      Size: 400* 370* 150
 *      Package size: 37* 32* 29cm

 081362449440 JUAL Portable viscometer - VT-06 , PORTABLE VISCOMETER Rion VT-06: Viscotester for high viscosity fluids , Alat Ukur Kekentalan Cairan, Digital Viscometer type N-8S option : printer for type N-8S Viscometer manual NDJ-1.

 081362449440 JUAL Portable viscometer - VT-06 , PORTABLE VISCOMETER Rion VT-06: Viscotester for high viscosity fluids , Alat Ukur Kekentalan Cairan, Digital Viscometer type N-8S option : printer for type N-8S Viscometer manual NDJ-1. Brookfield LVDVE jual Visco Meter Brookfield , Jual Visco Meter VT06 Rion , Jual Visco meter Rion Distributor Indonesia , Distributor Brookfield Jakarta Indonesia jual alat uji kekentalan cairan alat ukur kekentalan minyak kecap susu madu oli solar minyak goreng cat  alat ukur kekentalan suatu larutan alat ukur kekentalan fluida alat ukur kekentalan , jenis jenis Visco meter , jenis jenis visco meter brookfield , daftar harga visco meter brookfield , viscometer brookfield ready stock , fungsi visco meter , cara pemakaian visco meter , accessories viscometer , kelengkapan viscometer , visco meter low , viscometer medium , visvometer high , low viscometer medium visco meter high visco meter , jual alat uji visckositas , cara pengukuran viskositas , alat ukur viskositas , jenis jenis alat ukur viscokositas, viscometer china , viscometer amerika , viscometer jepang , viscometer spantol , daftar harga viskositas , jual alat ukur viskositas murah , juala alat ukur viskositas terbaik , tempat service alat viscometer , tempat service viskositas , distributor resmi alat ukur viscometer Pengertian Viskositas
Viskositas adalah suatu cara untuk menyatakan berapa daya tahan dari aliran yang diberikan oleh suatu cairan. Kebanyakan viskometer mengukur kecepatan dari suatu cairan mengalir melalui pipa gelas (gelas kapiler), bila cairan itu mengalir cepat maka berarti viskositas dari cairan itu rendah (misalnya air). Dan bila cairan itu mengalir lambat, maka dikatakan cairan itu viskositas tinggi. Viskositas dapat diukur dengan mengukur laju aliran cairan yang melalui tabung silinder. Cara ini merupakan salah satu cara yang paling mudah dan dapat digunakan baik untuk cairan maupun gas. Menurut poiseulle, jumlah volume cairan yang mengalir melalui pipa per satuan waktu. (Dudgale. 1986)
Viskositas biasanya diterima sebagai “kekentalan” atau penolakan terhadap penuangan. Viskositas menggambarkan penolakan dalam fluid kepada aliran dapat dipikir sebagai cara untuk mengukur gesekan fluid. Prinsip dasar penerapan viskositas digunakan dalama sifat alir zat cair atau rgeologi. Rheologi merupakan ilmu tentang sifat alir suatu zat. Rheologi terlibat dalam pembuatan, pengemasan atau pemakaian, konsistensi, stabilitas dan ketersediaan hayati sediaan. (Moechtar, 1990)
Cairan mempunyai gaya gesek yang lebih besar untuk mengalir daripada gas, hingga cairan mempunyai koefisien viskositas yang lebih besar daripadagas. Viskositas gas bertambah dengan naiknya temperatur, sedang viskositas cairan turun dengan naiknya temperatur. Koefisien viskositas gas pada tekanan tidak terlalu besar, tidak tergantung tekanan, tetapi untuk cairan naik dengan naiknya tekanan (Martin, 1993).
Viskositas merupakan fungsi dari waktu yang artinya dengan bertambahnya waktu viskositas semakin meningkat. Sifat ini penting diketahui sewaktu material cetak dicampur atau saat dimasukkan ke dalam mulut karena viskositas material cetak kosistensi light pada 5 menit setelah pencampuran akan sama dengan kosistensi regular pada 3 menit. (Martin, 1993)
Makin tinggi viskositas maka akan semakin besar tahanannya. Bila viskositas gas meningkat dengan naiknya temperatur, maka viskositas cairan justru menurun jika temperatur dinaikkan. (Martin, 1993).
Pada hukum aliran viskositas Newton menyatakan hubungan antara gaya-gaya mekanika dari suatu aliran viskos. Geseran dalam viskositas (fluida) adlah konstan sehubungan dengan gesekannya. Hubungan tersebut berlaku untuk fluida Newtonian, dimana perbandingan antara tegangan geser (s) dengan kecepatan geser (g) nya konstan. Parameter inilah yang disebut dengan viskositas. Aliran viskositas dapat digambarkan dengan dua buah bidang tersebut. Suatu bidang permukaan bawah yang tetap dibatasi oleh lapisan fluida setebal h, sejajar dengan permukaan atas itu ringan, yang berarti tidak memberikan beban pada lapisan fluida dibawahnya, maka tidak ada gaya tekan yang berkerja pada lapidan fluida. (Dudgale, 1986)



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